Have you ever thought about what it means to be brave? For many of us it involves doing something big, heroic even. We often look to others to validate our actions, comments or thoughts. We have these grand ideas, thoughts and beliefs about what it means to be brave. But what if the bravest thing that we can do is wrestle with our stories? The story that we create about who we are and our worthiness. What if being brave means turning our focus away from others and turning inward? What if being brave means wrestling with the voices in your head? You know those voices... the ones that try to tell you that you are not enough. Those voices that try to convince you that you should or shouldn’t be doing this or that. What if being brave is learning to say “I am a hot mess some days and that is enough!” or simply “I am enough.” As we grow in our awareness and maturity, we may find that our definitions of bravery are much more subtle, yet much more vulnerable. Regardless of the form our brand of bravery takes, don't forget that you are brave. And you look darn good wearing a cape!